Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tormented in the Temple

Is the Church, the body of Christ, is it a resting place or a courtroom? In my experience, it has been a courtroom, where Christians judge Christians on their salvation based upon their views on theology, politics, and more. If I do not measure up exactly to the expected order, I am at risk to burn in hell.

If Christians are attacking their own so viciously, what are they doing to the non-believer? This question has plagued me for a long time as I suffer persecution at the hands of extremists, those who limit the saved only to Republican, conservative, and non-controversial people who vent their personal convictions for the world to see, and in actuality, are spewing hatred.

Since when is Scripture used a weapon against fellow Christians who are different? Since now. Since when is cruelty justifiable by a “spiritual calling?” Since now. The word truth has become as common as the vague political terms “liberal” and “conservative,” and everyone suddenly thinks that they personally are the Mouth of God on earth just because they have an opinion.

Everyone asks “What has happened to America? How have we fallen so far?” I am more concerned with the question, “What has happened to the Church that we would rather make a point than save souls, or even nurture souls?” We’re not trying to win the hearts of the non-believers, we’re discounting those which have already been saved! And for what, I ask? For what? To be right. Apparently that is more important than love and compassion and patience and prayer. There’s a quote by Ghandi I saw on a friend’s Facebook page and it sums up exactly what I feel at this point in my life. “I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”


  1. I believe our God is a generous and loving God. And it is up to God and God alone to decide who (if you'll excuse me) "gets in" to heaven. I too have always been very bothered when on Christian tells another that they will be condemned to hell for their interpretation of Christianity. Who do they think they are that they get to determine such a thing?

    Also, being a republican myself, would like to stick up for myself (and some of my politcal party). I have always hated the term "closed-minded," especially when it is pinned on conservatives. Never in my life would I condemn someone to hell because of their political beliefs - I share some of them! I, for one, do no think abortion is up to the government. While I don't necessarily condone it, and wouldn't do it myself, I believe it is a choice of the individual. I believe God could forgive that if he needed to. I also believe that God would never condemn someone to hell for being gay. God loves all of his people. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm sick of being categorized as "closed-minded" and such by members of the opposite party. I consider myself very open-minded, and very open to new ideas and opinions.

    I think that there is way too big of a divide/rift between our two major political parties. There needs to be some middleground met somehow. No one deserves to be mocked such as Sarah Palin or George Bush was, or even Hillary during her presidential run. I find it sad that that's what our entertainment has come to, and that some (not all) cannot respect those with opposing view and ideas.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to get all political and everything on your blog, but I just thought I'd say what came to mind. And please don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to criticize you or anything like that - I promise!

    Hope to talk to you soon.

  2. Haha I just realized my comment is as long as your post!
